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Weston 852 Cadet.JPG

Weston Cadet Direct reading (DR) Exposure Meter Model 852. 1949, USA manufacture.

Weston 852 Cadet invercone.JPG
Weston 852 Cadet Invercone Down.JPG

The Cadet is the only member of Weston's Direct Reading exposure meter family to accommodate an Invercone for incident light measurements. It's shown here in the active position (left) fully covering the truncated cell aperture. The right hand picture shows it rotated down to expose the cell for reflected light readings.

Weston 852 Cadet Box and

The box for the Cadet sports a striking reprise of the Art Deco motif from the bakelite casing of the meter itself. The instruction book reflects the strong graphic style of illustration characteristic of the pre, and immediate post-war period.

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